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Walt Crawford is an internationally recognized writer and speaker on libraries, technology, policy and media. He is mostly retired but open for opportunities in library-related and OA-related research and writing.
From October 2007 through March 2010, Crawford was Editorial Director of the Library Leadership Network (since abandoned by LYRASIS). For many years before that, he was a Senior Analyst at RLG, focusing on user interface design and actual usage patterns for end-user bibliographic search systems, finally working on RLG-OCLC transition and integration issues through September 2007.
Crawford was the creator, writer and publisher of Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large, an occasional ejournal on the intersections of libraries, policy, technology and media published from December 2000 through 2019. He also maintains a blog on these and other issues, Walt at Random.
Crawford's books include Successful Social Networking in Public Libraries (ALA Editions, 2014), The Librarian's Guide to Micropublishing (Information Today, Inc, 2012), Open Access: What You Need to Know Now (ALA Editions, 2011), First Have Something to Say: Writing for the Library Profession (ALA Editions, 2003), Being Analog: Creating Tomorrow's Libraries (ALA Editions, 1999), Future Libraries: Dreams, Madness & Reality (with Michael Gorman, ALA Editions, 1995), and eleven others (mostly from G.K. Hall and Knowledge Industry Publications) going back to MARC for Library Use: Understanding the USMARC Formats (1984).Self-published books (through Lulu) appear at the bottom of this page. All books and datasets related to the SPARC-sponsored Gold Open Access Journals project may be found at the GOAJ project page.
Possible research and writing
If you have a research/writing project you believe might suit Crawford's skills and interests, feel free to contact him with details at, Any project would have to fit into available time (which, as long as the Gold Open Access series continues, basically means late July through mid-December). All projects subject to Crawford's interest and availability; project pricing would be comparable to that of the Gold Open Access projects.
Other notes
Crawford has written columns for American Libraries, EContent, ONLINE Magazine and Library Hi Tech. In all, he has written more than 500 library-related articles and columns appearing in a range of library publications. Crawford was cited as one of the 31 most frequently cited authors in library literature 1994-2004 (the only American writer on that list outside academic libraries and library schools). In 1995, he received the American Library Association's LITA/Library Hi Tech Award for Excellence in Communication for Continuing Education, followed by the ALCTS/Blackwell Scholarship Award in 1997. He was president of the Library and Information Technology Association in 1992/93.
More information is available: selective vita, complete vita (PDF), professional background and interests (informal).
Vita (selective) [5/2/13]
ProfessionalVita (complete, updated more-or-less annually: PDF) [April 22, 2020]
Background and current professional interests [November 19, 2018]
Writing, consulting, etc.: some notes [November 19, 2018]
Blog: Walt at Random [4/1/05]
If you got here looking for the spreadsheets that accompany Cites & Insights 5:10, they're here (raw data) and here (expanded 60 blogs) respectively.
The set of liblogs included in The Liblog Landscape 2007-2008: A Lateral Look is available here (and here, with Technosophia in its proper Greek form)
Cites & Insights Books
ContactUsername: waltcrawford Domain: [checked several times a day]. I'm also on Twitter frequently and Facebook, Mokum (LSW) once or twice a day, maybe.
Updated April 23, 2020