Walt Crawford
Professional Background
and Current Interests
I worked at UC Berkeley's
General Library from 1968 through June 1979 (part-time from
1963 to 1968), analyzing and building programs to serve a
range of needs for Berkeley's library operations. I designed
and programmed Berkeley's first automated circulation system
(a punchcard system), carried out a full-sampling analysis of
reasons for user failure, designed and programmed a serials
keyword index used by UC and other libraries, and implemented
a range of MARC-based and other systems.
From July 1979 through its end in June 2006, I
worked at the Research Libraries Group (RLG), analyzing
problems and requirements and (in earlier years) programming
a wide range of solutions. I designed and wrote the batch
processing system for output products when RLIN became a
true networked system, developed the user interface
requirements for Eureka/telnet, and continue to participate
in the user interface and system design for Eureka, RLG's
end-user search system. Along the way, I did the detailed
session analysis and design leading to the "Do What I Mean"
changes in Eureka's command-based system (pre-Web), reducing
the percentage of user "errors" from around 7% of commands
to less than 0.5%. I was also active in a range of digitial
initiatives at RLG. More recently, I coordinated
Cognos-based customer and internal usage reports as part of
RLG's complete systems replacement, designing and
implementing all internal reports and
re-implementing/correcting most customer reports. Finally, I
worked as a systems analyst at OCLC on OCLC-RLG
integration/transition issues related to reports, Eureka,
and other areas through September 2007. After that, I worked
part-time from October 2007 through March 2010 as Editorial
Director of the Library Leadership Network.
Since being retired, I've been actively
writing and, more recently, doing research on open access.
My primary professional involvement was the
Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) of the American
Library Association. I chaired and served on several
committees, served on the Board of Directors and as
President (1992/3), and edited the LITA
Newsletter for more than
half of its life as a print publication (1985/94).
I was founding editor (1989/91) of Information Standards Quarterly, the newsletter of the National Information
Standards Organization (NISO).
Writing and Speaking
Until 1984, I had written half a dozen
articles related to work at UC Berkeley and RLG or arising
from LITA activity. I had done one speech as part of a LITA
Things started to change in 1984. First, there
was MARC for Library Use:
Understanding the USMARC Formats--my
first book, written out of desperation. I'd been using the
MARC formats for close to a decade and spent way too much
time trying to explain them to others on the telephone. When
I was handed a MARC syllabus from a library school and found
it full of errors and oversimplifications, I concluded that
someone needed
to write a book explaining MARC. I couldn't convince any of
the true MARC experts to take on the task, so I did it
myself. That was followed with a book on technical standards
aimed at librarians--again, because it was needed. Since
then, books have been on topics I desperately felt needed
covering on on topics that I felt particularly strongly
about--with two in the 1990s being more philosophical and
speaking to broader issues. My fifteenth book (and second
self-published book), Balanced
Libraries: Thoughts on Continuity and Change, appeared in March 2007. My sixteenth, Public Library Blogs: 252 Examples, appeared in September 2007. I've been doing other
self-published books, mostly related to blogs; they're
included on the front page here.
Also in 1984, I got into a long discussion
about the difference between advertised price and comparable
system price for personal computers--back before Windows,
when CP/M was still a major operating system for PCs. That
discussion resulted in my first article for Library Hi Tech, which
became a series of 50 articles over the next 15 years--and,
later, to my own "newsletter within a newsletter" in Library Hi Tech News
(59 editions from 1995 through 2000 under the names
"Trailing Edge Notes" and "Crawford's Corner"), columns in CD-ROM Professional and
Database Magazine,
and a series of articles in Online
Magazine. I also contributed
brief columns to Public-Access
Computer Systems Review for five
years and editorials for nine years of LITA
Newsletter and two years of Information Standards Quarterly. There have been articles in various other
publications as well, including the occasional refereed
piece or book review; some "articles" have been reprints of
speech drafts.
I contributed articles to American
Libraries between 1999 and 2002
and began my own Web/print journal at the end of 2000: Cites
& Insights: Crawford at Large,
a journal of libraries, policy, technology and media (ISSN
1534-0937). I wrote the "DisContent" column in EContent from 2001
through 2009, the "Crawford Files" column in American Libraries from
2002 through 2004 and "PC Monitor" in ONLINE
from 1999 through 2006
(following a series of articles beginning in 1995). I
started a blog, Walt at Random, on
April 1, 2005, a carefully-chosen date. I now write
"Crawford at Large" in ONLINE.
My first non-RLG professional speech was in
1979 (as part of a LITA TESLA program), and I spoke
occasionally from 1987 through 1991, mostly on topics
related to my books and professional activity--technical
standards, desktop publishing, personal computing, online
catalogs. That changed when the Library Automation Round
Table of the Arizona State Library Association invited me to
speak and didn't have a topic already set. The resulting
speech covered way too much ground and served as the start for dozens
of speeches since then, primarily on the future of print,
media, and libraries. I still speak about old favorite
topics from time to time, but those aren't keynote material.
I love speaking to library groups, particularly state
library associations and the like.
Current Interests
It's rare to completely drop older
interests--but I don't spend much mental energy on technical
standards or MARC these days and I do my "desktop
publishing" in Word. I've stopped reviewing CD-ROMs (except
for historical reasons) primarily because the "title CD-ROM"
field dried up.
I continue to read, write and speak once in a
while, about personal computing but mostly a growing range
of other areas, including media, technology, forecasting,
digital content, policy and how all of these affect
libraries. In my work and writing, I aim for
"sensemaking"--using investigation, analysis, synthesis,
strong mathematical understanding and clear prose to make
sense of complex situations and explain those situations to
others. I'm available for possible project or part-time
situations writing, editing, speaking and researching in
library-related areas.
Most recently, I've conducted a broad survey
of public library use of social networks, checking all 5,958
libraries in 38 states. The results form part of the basis
for a book due from ALA Editions later in 2012. I'm looking
for sponsorship, at the rate of $15,000 a year (plus
inflation), to conduct an even broader survey (all 50 states
and DC, plus American territories) over at least two and
preferably more years. I've also done other research on
library and librarian use of blogs, resulting in several
self-published books (some now out of print)--and, recently,
in how public and other libraries can serve their
communities by facilitating "micropublishing," producing
books intended for niches of one to 50 people.
I am particularly interested in libraries as
distinctive local institutions--how they work within their
communities and how they can combine continual improvement
and change with continuity.
I'll keep doing writing and research in these
areas as long as they continue to interest me--and as long
as people want to read what I have to write.
Updated February 21, 2011.